Trucks belong in the dirt. That’s an argument you will hear over and over, and I can’t say I disagree. Because of their heavy-duty construct… read more.
As truck enthusiasts, we sometimes do things which don’t make a lot of sense, like using a 20-year-old, 250,000-mile diesel as a daily driver,… read more.
Depending on what part of this great nation you live in, winter is coming, if not already upon us. For most Americans, the change of seasons mea… read more.
The two most important systems required to keep any vehicle operating safely on the road are the steering and the brakes. One keeps you pointed … read more.
You’ve seen the cartoon before: Wile E. Coyote is in hot pursuit of the Road Runner, and somehow runs right off the side of the cliff. He make… read more.
Transmissions: they are often the most neglected part of your drivetrain. I don’t mean this in terms of maintenance, but rather in terms of th… read more.
It seems like nowadays, everyone is in a hurry, and wants a fast truck to get them where they want to go, and with a diesel under the hood, you … read more.
High performance diesel trucks are more popular than ever, and with advances in turbochargers, tuning, and high-pressure injection, it’s possi… read more.
If you spend any time watching YouTube or reading the forums, you’re certainly aware the highest performance diesel builds are usually based o… read more.