No mechanical or electronic part can last forever and given the extreme pressure and temperature a diesel fuel injector operates in, it’s a mi… read more.
Bigger is better, right? In the case of your bank account balance or a slice of your favorite dessert this may be true, but when it comes to cho… read more.
Part of the reason you own a diesel pickup is because it’s able to tow and haul a lot more weight than any other passenger vehicle on the road… read more.
Turbochargers are the single greatest invention humanity has ever produced. Forget about modern medicine, the pyramids in Egypt, space travel, o… read more.
Common rail injected diesels have been around for over 20 years now, and the use of high-pressure direct injection allows the latest generation … read more.
Modern diesel engines are great. They run quiet, pollute very little, produce tons of torque and are very efficient at moving the heavy vehicles… read more.
Just about every diesel engine will have mechanical problems at one time or another, so to keep your older truck on the road, you’ll have to e… read more.
The 6.0 Powerstroke is an engine we all love to hate. It has earned a reputation for being one of the least reliable diesel engines produced ove… read more.